Alex Falson Mackenzie
Public Transport Navigation Accessibility App, 2023
Created with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign, pencil & paper (for sketching), mobile phone and laptop screen (for user testing).
Alex Falson Mackenzie is a graphic design student at the University of New South Wales who specialises in logo design and visual identity design. Alex found his passion for design during his early teenage years and has been practicing as a freelance designer on the internet since he was 16 years old.
Alex employs a rich visual language in his work, focusing on experimental use of typography, using type as image and creating visually interesting patterns and effects with digital tools. Alex's logo design work centres around communicating all the vital information needed with as little visual real estate as possible while still creating a bold and unique symbol that helps the brand stand out. Alex has been influenced by great logo designers such as Fabian Arbor, Chris Do, Will Patterson and Gregory Ortiz who had a great impact on his formative years as a designer.